-First Time High School Players Have Opportunity to Play in San Francisco Giants Major League Stadium,
Be Coached and Observed by 12 NCAA Division 1 Teams–

In its second season, Showball Baseball is about to launch its Baseball Camp for the first time in the phenomenal AT&T Park, home of the San Francisco Giants. The very first Showball Baseball Camp was held at Dodger Stadium this past winter, easily selling out in a month. The Camp should on the top of the list of any high school student aspiring to play college baseball. The Showball Baseball Camp is truly a spectacular event.

When John Novak and Derek Ottevaere, principals of Showball, LLC, thought about the perfect baseball camp, they knew they wanted to think out of the box. What they found was an idea so amazing that when it blossomed into reality, people who heard about it were prone not to believe it. “When we told people that we were bringing high school players to play a real game in Dodgers Stadium, people called the Stadium to see if they were being scammed. Even now, when we pitch the idea, we are blinking our eyes,”

“My associate, John Novak, and I played college ball and in the Minor Leagues with the Texas Rangers. In my case, being accidentally seen by an NCAA coach in Michigan, my recruitment by an NCAA college was kind of a fluke. In most baseball camps, you go to one camp, which is hosted by one school. In our field, exposure is everything.

For the first time, high school baseball players get a chance to play at an MLB (major league baseball stadium) and feel like pros for a day, a life-altering experience.”

“In my case,” says John Novak, “in high school, I used to play with Randy Wolf, who became a great pitcher in the major leagues. But nobody really paid any attention to me. I was thought of as an average player. But I had determination- and after playing college baseball, I worked hard and made it to pro ball. But Derek and I were underdogs- and our dream is to give a real opportunity to underdogs like us.”

Typically, college scouts come out for a couple of innings just to watch one kid play then leave. At Showball Camps, the kids are watched for 3 days. “That’s how I was recruited,” says Ottevaere, “the coach was there for someone else but my light happened to shine that day. In our camps, you get to be seen by 12 Division One Teams. You are coached and observed with the possibility of being recruited by the best in the business.”


Natural Pools Ensure Purity, Protecting Swimmers and Environment

Ecosmarte Planet Friendly, Inc., has turned back the clock to a day when water enjoyed by swimmers was in a significantly purer state, purified by natural, environmental means. Its unique pool purification process does not introduce toxic chemical substances into the water, but rather utilizes a completely Chemical-free pool approach. Symptomatic red, burning eyes, itchy skin, bleached-out hair, and chemical pool odors cease to be problems in a system that delivers a “bottled water” type of quality to immerse into.

This Ecosmarte, Chemical-free pool system results in the creation of a pure, safe, and healthy natural pool ecology, without chemical backwash, completely doing away with physical and aesthetic irritations of typical chlorinated pools and the possible damage from saltwater filtration systems. Ecosmarte’s Chemical-free pool furnishes the joys and pleasures of a natural, fresh feeling and smelling medium of a natural pool that never harms the swimmers, the pool walls, or the pool’s decorative rocks and plants. It is good for the health and well-being of the natural swimmer.

This natural pool system protects the safety of family and pool guests. They won’t be exposed to toxic, cancer-causing chemicals like those in regular chlorinated pools. It is also known that chlorine is dangerous to handle and the fumes from chlorine can cause harm to the lungs. Chlorine can bring serious breathing problems to those who experience asthma or allergies. Rather, Ecosmarte’s Chemical-free pool treatment will provide a proven water-disinfecting technology that produces a protective, healthy swimming alternative to pool water treated with poisonous chlorine.

A natural pool alternative is more environmentally friendly. Ecosmarte will not damage pool equipment by corrosion or stainings like chlorine and saltwater pools do and will not add mineral deposit build-ups to the sides of the pool or equipment. Due to the Ecosmarte system’s purity, decorative rocks and fountains never corrode or break up. No splashing problem will encumber nearby flower gardens or greenery.

Using Ecosmarte allows the pool owner to enjoy the benefits of being cost-effective. Since a monthly addition of chemicals isn’t needed, money and time can be saved: purchasing and adding chemicals is not necessary nor is the employment of expensive pool cleaners required. The cost for natural, effective, energy-efficient pool maintenance runs for about $1 per month.


ComCorp Announces Dramatic New Tracking Software
-With Best Reporting Functionality in its Price Class,

As Ecommerce advances into the twenty-first century, the need for proper search engine optimization and marketing becomes a critical need of every properly-functioning business. To this end, it becomes exceptionally important to fine-tune marketing to website performance. With the advent of Clarity, powerful tracking technology has become streamlined and affordable.

“We decided to name it “Clarity” because that is exactly what it provides. Clarity on all web traffic from all sources on the web,” explains Tammy Camp, President, and CEO of ComCorp, Inc., developer of the new software. “Clarity provides detailed statistics for sales, downloads, and signups which is currently not available on platforms such as Google Analytics. Clarity is also unique because it detects click fraud.”

Although possessing a sporty, clean, highly usable interface, the real power of Clarity, with its super, powerful tracking engine, lies hidden behind its elegant design. It is literally capable of analyzing and storing hundreds of important megabytes of traffic data. With the best functionality in its price class, Clarity allows for tracking and analysis of all website traffic on multiple sites. With this type of data, entrepreneurs will have the information they need to maximize the return on their investment and increase conversion rates for their visitors.

Clarity is an Internet Marketer’s dream software. It provides comprehensive data acquisition and analysis, allowing marketers to easily track and optimize their campaigns. It helps locate new advertising sites, create better keywords to enhance traffic, and acquire higher conversion rates. Its functionality encompasses banner advertising, email, pay-per-click, and affiliate marketing, allowing the thorough investigation of sales, assignment, downloads, page loading with a great deal of information about the visitors performing these operations. Clarity allows examination of long-term trends in days or months but, following increased demand for extensive fine-tuning of campaigns, launches, and follow-ups also permit daylong and even hourly data inspection.

Special features include invisible PHP tracking for PHP-built sites, easy built-in functionality for split testing, comprehensive portrait of visitors activity, including sales and all other useful-to-know visitor behavior; ability to monitor specific visitors or designated groups; ability to track AdSense clicks, a way to detect click fraud. With Clarity, entrepreneurs can view all their sites’ general statistics, including unique visitors, requested pages, allowing for valuable comparisons between natural and paid traffic.

If you want to discuss or order this product, please click here and fill out the contact form